Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2012 Reading Challenges

                                      Dystopia Challenge
                                             hosted by
                                        Bookish Ardour

" The Dystopia challenge is for those who love it and for those who have never tried it. From negative utopia to plain ol’ totalitarian, there’s much to love about Dystopia and many ways it can be written."

                                        I choose
                        Contagion- 15 books

                                        Off The Shelf
                                         is hosted by
                                       Bookish Ardour

Because I missed some great books this year and I won't do the same mistake in 2012.It's their time ( finally)!

                            Tempted - 5 books 

                                Young Adult Reading Challenge
                                               hosted by
                                        Bumps In The Road

                                  For this one ,I will choose...

                  Fun Size - 20 YA books

Interview with Gwen Hayes

                                                                            Gwen Hayes

Gwen Hayes lives in the Pacific Northwest with her real life hero, their children, and the pets that own them. She writes stories for teen and adult readers about love, angst, and saving the world. Gwen's first novel, Falling Under, was released in March of 2011 by NAL/Penguin. She is represented by Jessica Sinsheimer of the Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency. For more information about Gwen, please visit her website

1.Could you describe your book or better said series Falling Under in a few words?
Theia dreams about a dashing young man one night and the next day, he enrolls at her school. Haden isn't all he seems, but the harder they try to fight their attraction, the more impossible it becomes to stay away from each other. The danger of Haden's world forces Theia to make a lot of changes, until she may end up being more of a threat than Haden ever dreamed about being. 

2.Do you see yourself in your main character or in any other character?
NO! Theia is a terrible example to girls everywhere, LOL. If she were my daughter, I would give her a stern talking to.

3.What do you think about the cover? I personally love it!
Both my covers are amazing. I can't take any credit for them, but I love them and have them plastered all over my house. 

4.What's you favourite book of all times?
Are you kidding? I can't pick one. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle is pretty close to #1 though.
5.If you could be any fictional character you want,who would you be?
Meg from A Wrinkle in Time. I loved Meg so much as a young girl. 

6.The last book you read ( not yours,I mean-you probably have to read your books a couple of times)?
I'm currently reading Hourglass by Myra McEntire

7.Do you usually listen to music while writing?
When I'm doing the actual writing, sometimes music with lyrics is too distracting unless I'm using it to drown out other noise. I do like to listen to my playlist when I'm getting ready to start writing. Sort of a primer to get me into the world.

8.Favourite colour?
It depends...all my tech stuff is pink, but I prefer my clothes and rooms decorated in neutral earthy shades. I really love browns. So, I sit on my brown couch to write on my pink laptop. :)

9.Any guilty pleasures?
I am a huge fan of guilty pleasures. For instance, I try to be all hip and current...but I listen to a whole lot of '80s hair bands. And though I despise gossip, I can't stop clicking on TMZ occasionally. 

About my blog (and me)

      Hello <3 ! I am Laura. I don't really enjoy talking about me and that's not the reason I created this blog after all.I'm sure you'll find out more about me just by reading my blog.But here I want to find other book lovers willing to share their passion and discuss on what we should read next. I really like to hear other opinions, so please comment on my posts and tell me what you think.I'll try to post as often as I can. Another thing is, I really have a problem with designing (the blog) .Not my domain,not at all. So don't be terrified by the aspect,please. The content is important, right? Maybe,just maybe,I'll get better in time.
     Also,I have to mention that English is not my native language, so I'm sorry if you find mistakes.
     This beeing told,let's start talking about what we love -books.
